Quick Reference
Below find a quick reference list of all of the AEFIS solutions impacted by this release:
- Data Collections - Course Evaluation Results now available
- Data Collections - Assessment Data Graph Display Improvement
- Data Collections - Data Collection Schedule Assignments Page
- My Surveys Dashboard Widget
- Surveys - Roll up Survey Questions
- Reports - Course Section Survey Assignment Report
- Reports - Student Course Evaluation Comments Report - DISCONTINUED
- Reports - PLO/CLO Direct Assessment Analysis Report
- Surveys - Survey results N/A option improvement
- Reports - Direct Assessment Graphs
- AEFIS Assignments
- Surveys - Course Section Roll up questions
- Reports - Data Collection Detail Report
- Surveys - Survey Schedule Deletion
- Reports - Course Section Trend Analysis
- Self Study - Related Documentation
- Reports - Assignment Analysis Report
- Assignment Linking Manager
- Data Collections - Course Evaluation Results now available
With this improvement, selecting survey schedule or survey question types in the Faculty type and Course Seciton type Data Collection template forms is now available. When using this form item, survey results can be automatically displayed to the users in their data collection forms when implementing a Data Collection for annual faculty review or promotion/tenure or annual review of course section data. Note, you must use the AEFIS course evaluations & surveys solution to use this new data collection feature. An example of the populated form is below: - Data Collections - Assessment Data Graph Display Improvement
Now, when Program data collections are run an an annual basis, the aggregated outcome data may be displayed for the full year, instead of aggregated by term. This allows the user to see full year aggregation, and then can drill down into term or course/course section. An example is below: - Data Collections - Data Collection Assignments Page
With this improvement, the Course Section type Data Collections provide the section code in the Assignments page display for easier selection of the correct sections. This improvement also allows business objects - the subject of the form across all data collection types - such as Programs, Faculty members, sections, to be bulk assigned and unassigned using the checkboxes: - My Surveys Dashboard Widget
With this improvement, the surveys in the Course Evaluation widget on the AEFIS Dashboard will display so that the active survey with the latest/last end date will display first. See below for an example: - Surveys - Delete Roll Up Survey Questions in the Hierarchy
Now, rollup questions may be removed by selecting the "delete all questions" button in the survey questions section of the Institution, College or Department settings. This deletion will not impact active, pending or in progress surveys - just future runs of the surveys using that template. Only newly generated survey instances created after saving the survey settings in that level of the hierarchy will be impacted. Below, please see an example of the delete all questions option in the Department level of an institution's hierarchy: - Reports - Course Section Survey Assignment Report
This report now includes options to export the data in CSV and Excel format.
End of Life Notice
Student Course Evaluation Comments Analysis Report - Now Discontinued
The report entitled Student Course Evaluation Comments Analysis Report will be retired with the release of AEFIS version 3.80.
The report entitled Analysis of Student Course Evaluation by Instructor Report replaces this report and is now available.
Bug Fixes
- Reports - Survey Results Export to Excel
- The export of MODE value is now displaying properly on survey results reports exported to CSV and Excel.
- When multiple survey instances are selected in the report parameters, the results will display in the excel horizontally, instead of vertically. Example below:
- Reports - PLO/CLO Direct Assessment Analysis Report
Display issue on the Proficiency Scale is resolved. The Proficiency Scale levels were cut off due to space limits previously, and not all level labels would display as expected. - Surveys - Survey results N/A option improvement
The survey results page now displays the N/A option count/distribution. - Reports - Direct Assessment Graphs - Cross Listing/Linked Sections
This fix applies specifically to cross-listed/linked sections in AEFIS. An issue preventing the data from linked sections from aggregating into this report is fixed. Previously, only the parent assessment data would aggregate into this report, providing incomplete results. This issue is now resolved. - Reports - Direct Assessment Graphs - #Assessed Result
An issue causing the #assessed result to display incorrectly is now resolved. - AEFIS Assignments
An issue preventing AEFIS managed assignments from updating the maximum score on an assignment when adding rubric criterion is now resolved. This issue prevented the maximum score from automatically updating when additional rubric criteria were added to the assignment, resulting in an error in the display of the maximum score and total score results.
- Surveys - Course Section Roll up questions
An issue preventing published survey questions in the section, Department/Administrative Unit, College/Administrative Division survey questions section were not rolling up to the survey form in surveys as expected. This issue is now resolved. - Reports - Data Collection Detail Report
An issue that prevented the program filters on this report from limiting the results upon EXPORT of the report in CSV/PDF is now corrected. - Surveys - Survey Schedule Deletion
Survey schedules that have active, in progress or pending surveys can no longer be deleted until either the in progress survey closes, or the pending survey is deleted. - Reports - Course Section Trend Analysis
- An issue preventing users with faculty roles (Instructor, Course Section Director) from running this report is now resolved.
- Performance improvements were made to generate the results with less lag time.
- An issue creating extra rows were inserted into the CSV/Excel export of this report is now resolved.
- Self Study - Related Documentation Page
An issue causing an incorrect evidence count to display in this module is now resolved. - Reports - Assignment Analysis Report
An issue preventing this report from checking whether the LMS assignment synced to the section is valid is now resolved. - Assignment Linking Manager
An issue preventing users with the Course Coordinator role from using the Assignment Linking Manager is now resolved. This role now has access to the feature to link and update assignments.
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