Updated: April 2023
Description: This report allows the user to track the scoring progress and results of both LMS Assignments and AEFIS assignments. Results include the following data points:
- Assignment name
- Multiple Assessor Scoring Method (AEFIS Assignments + converted assignments only)
- Assignment status
- Max Possible Score
- Statistical Analysis by Assignment
- Max Score
- Max/Min Points
- Mean, Median, Std Deviation, Mode
- # Submissions
- # Enrolled
- # Scored
- % Submission
- % Scored
Applicable to: Institution Admin, College Admin, Course Designer - College, Department Admin, Department Committee, Course Coordinator, Course Section Director, Instructor
Step by Step:
1. Select the hamburger icon to access the AEFIS main menu at the top left of the screen
2. Scroll to Analytics>Report Dashboard
3. Select the Assignment Scoring Report from the Assignment Results menu
4. Choose the report parameters:
- College/Administrative Unit: (multi-select) Narrow result set by college/admin unit
- Department/Administrative Division: (multi-select) Narrow result set by Department/Administrative unit
- Term: (multi-select) Narrow result set by specific defined academic Term(s)
- Both/Course Assignments/Course Section Assignments: Choose whether to display results by the Course, or Individual Section, or to display both formats
- Course: Search for a course by name or code. You may search for multiple courses and add them here.
- Course Section: Search for section by name or code. You may search for multiple sections and add them here.
5. Select Run Report, or Reset Parameters to start over
Example results:
6. Select the Export drop down from the top right of the report results to export
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