Quick Reference
Below find a quick reference list of all of the AEFIS solutions impacted by this release:
- Reporting - Analysis of Student course Evaluation by Instructor
- Courses - Course Section Statuses
- Reporting - PLO/CLO Direct Assessment Analysis Report
- Programs - Program archiving improvements
- Reporting - Assessment Reports include Development Level filters
- LMS Integrations - Assignments
- Reporting - Course Section Trend Analysis Report
- Assignments - Action Items for Faculty Scoring
- Reporting - Analysis of Student course Evaluation by Instructor
With this improvement, additional report parameters are included to improve search disaggregation and results. Enhanced reporting includes:
Selection of multiple instructors (based on user role)
Option to select one or more specific survey schedules
Survey question type and specific survey question selection
- Course Sections - Update to status change process to Publish
Previously, AEFIS administrators could choose to auto publish course sections upon their first import, which could cause downstream issues when Courses or Course Evaluations are set up and run. With this improvement, the "Faculty Pending" option, which is the status that indicates that a section is in a revised/edit status, is the default setting for all AEFIS instances. In addition, an improved publish/revision process was enabled. Administrators may still enable the Admin Approval in Course Section Publishing option in the Term Activation Settings at the Institution, College or Department level:
Sections imported to AEFIS without a faculty assignment will still always display in DRAFT status.
Faculty Assigned to Section? Admin Approval Enabled First Status Next Status Next Status No No Draft Faculty Pending Published Yes No Faculty Pending Published N/A Yes Yes Faculty Pending Approval Pending Published
- Reporting - PLO/CLO Direct Assessment Analysis Report
- Excel/CSV imports now include performance level per student
- Results may be aggregated across multiple terms when the new Aggregate Terms options is selected in the Report Parameters
- CLOs mapped to PLOs may be displayed if the "both" option is selected in the report parameters
- Programs - Program Archiving Behavior Improvements
The following Program Archiving behaviors are improved with this release:
If the program is archived, only the current, published version of the program will have the archived status.
When the program is archived, pending assessments will be deleted.
When the program is archived, and that published version has an associated data collection form, then the program should be un-assigned from the data collection.
When the program is archived, in-progress assessments will be completed.
- Reporting - All Program Assessment Reports now include a Developmental Level filter parameter
If you create developmental levels in your Program Curriculum map, and assign them to outcome>mapping relationships, you may now aggregate or disaggregate data by those levels in assessment reporting.
Note: The Developmental Level options will narrow based on the term-program selection, so make sure you follow the left to right rule when setting the report parameters! - LMS Integrations - Assignments - New alert to inform faculty of assignment copy errors at the start of a term
When assignments sync from the Learning Management System (LMS) and there is an issue matching to the copied assignment linking that was created upon term activation - like the assignment does not have any points associated in the LMS or the title of the LMS assignment no longer matches the name of the assignment copied, the emails sent to inform the faculty of this issue are more detailed.
Bug Fixes
- Reporting - Course Section Trend Analysis Report
With this fix, display issues related to linked/cross-listed section aggregate is resolved. Cross-listed/linked sections in AEFIS will now aggregate results properly. - Courses - Course Section Assessment Results
Previously, the system experienced an issue accurately displaying weighted average for outcome assessment results when one or more individual assignment mapped to an outcome was missing the final score for an individual student. With this fix, the weighted average is now estimated without error, or not displayed if the estimated average can not be calculated accurately. - Assignments - Action Items resolved after assignment is scored
With this fix, assignment scoring action items will no longer appear once the faculty has scored the student artifacts available for an assignment.
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