Quick Reference
Below find a quick reference list of all of the AEFIS solutions impacted by this release:
- Reporting - Assessment Reports
- Course Sections - Cross-listed/Linked Section Assessment Reports for CLOs
- Self Study
- Assignment Linking Manager
- Experience Placement
- Course Evaluations + Surveys
- Practicums
- Assignment Templates
Reporting - Assessment Reports now include filters/aggregation by Student Minor
With this improvement, the Direct Assessment Graph, Student Outcome Achievement and Direct Assessment Reports all include a drop-down option to allow the user to choose by either Student Degree or Student Minor. Previously only Student Degree was available to filter and aggregate results. Note: Your institution must send minor information in the regular load of the Student Degree file for this feature to appear in reports.
Sample - Direct Assessment Graphs - Course Sections - Section Aggregate Assessment Results page now displays results for both the Parent and linked Child sections in the Parent section for Course Learning Outcome Assessment
Previously, when parent-child relationships are created either through the institution data file loads or manually in the user interface, aggregate assessment results did not roll up to the parent section. They had to be viewed individually by section. Now, the aggregate results may be viewed in the Parent section. - Self Study - Section content copy feature now available
This improvement allows the user to copy Self Study section content from a previous Self Study that shares the same template. Then the previous content can be edited within the new Self Study. - Assignment Linking Manager - Open Course Section Assignments directly from the Manage Linked Assignments menu within the manager
When linking assignments to outcomes in the Assignment Linking Manager, an icon is available on each assignment in a Course Section that links to the assignment home page within the Course Section. This allows for easy navigation to the Section and related Assignment. - Assignment Linking Manager - Copy From Feature improved with the addition of a copy wizard
The system will search for related course section that have assignments with matching titles. Then you may select which sections you would like to copy the linking to. - Experience Placement - Students may be assigned multiple preceptors and to multiple locations
Previously, students could only be assigned to one location, and only one preceptor could be assigned per student in the Experience Manager. Now the option of multiple locations and preceptors is available.
Resolved Bugs
Self Study - Section title case/capitalization error resolved
Previously, section titles would default to all caps regardless of the format of the self study template titles. With this release, that issue is resolved. - Self Study - Table preview error resolved
With this release, an issue preventing the preview of tables inserted into the Self Study sections is resolved. - Course Evaluations + Surveys - Fix in place to prevent notifications to faculty excluded from a survey
Individual faculty who are specifically excluded from a survey were receiving survey notifications. With this fix, they will no longer receive notifications if they have been excluded individually at the survey instance level. - Practicums - End date can now be set properly when a practicum is reopened
Previously, when a user reopened a practicum there was an issue setting the new end date for that practicum. With this fix, the end date may be set properly. - Course Sections - Aggregated Course Section Assessment Report filter issues resolved
Previously, the filters that allowed the user to filter the aggregated assessment results by degree caused an error where data did not populate. This is now resolved. - Course Sections - Assignment attachment error issue is resolved
Previously, in some cases the student artifact attachment would not preview within the scorebook or individual student results report screen as expected. Now the student artifact/attachment preview displays within the left navigation window without issue.
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