Updated: February 2022
Description: The AEFIS-Learning Management System (LMS) integration not only supports curricular courses that are imported in your data files, but also allows you to connect co-curricular sections in AEFIS to any course in your LMS. This guide provides instructions to create this relationship.
Applicable to: Institution Admin, College/Administrative Unit Admin, Department/Administrative Division Admin, LMS Administrator or Instructor
Step by Step
1. Login to AEFIS
2. Select the Main Menu hamburger menu icon and navigate to Educational Experiences>Co-curricular sections
3. If your Co-curricular section already exists, use the filters or search to find it and then click the Manage button to the left of the section name. If you need to create a new co-curricular activity, click here for that guide.
4. Once the Co-curricular section homepage loads, check the top right of the screen to see if it is in Faculty Pending or Published status. If it is in Published status, you should click the revert button to change the status to Faculty Pending, so you may make changes.
5. Click the settings link on the left navigation bar
6. Scroll down the settings menu until you reach the Co-curricular Section LMS Id section
7. Type in the Learning Management System (LMS) Id from your LMS course and click save. To find the right id for your LMS, see the chart below:
Learning Management System | Code Label | Location in Course |
Canvas | SIS ID | Course>Settings>SIS ID |
Blackboard | Course ID | Course>Course Management>Customization>Properties> Course ID |
D2L Brightspace | Course Offering Code | Course>Course Tools>Course Admin>Course Offering Information>Course Offering Code |
Moodle | Course ID Number |
Course>Settings Cog Icon next to Course title>Edit Settings |
8. Click save
9. Test the connection:
- Navigate to the Assignments menu item on the left navigation bar
- Click the "Refresh LMS Assignments" button on the Assignments page
- If there are PUBLISHED assignments in your LMS course, they will display
- If you do not see your assignments display, and you have already checked to make sure they are published and have a point value in your LMS, contact your institution's AEFIS Administrator
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