Quick Reference
Below find a quick reference list of all of the AEFIS solutions impacted by this release:
- Course Evaluations - Partial Terms
- LMS Integration - Linked Course Section Assessment (Cross listing)
- AEFIS Assignments + Rubrics
- Reporting - Course Evaluations
- Course Evaluation + Survey Administration
- Strategic Planning
- Assignment Linking Manager
- Syllabus
- AEFIS-Canvas Integration
- Self Study
Course Evaluation Partial Term Results Improvement
With this release, each partial term may release course evaluation results to faculty based on the partial term end date, even if the parent term is still in progress. Previously, the parent term end date determined the timing of the release of results to faculty. - Course Evaluation Partial Term Survey Roll Up Question Editing Improved
With this improvement, Rollup Questions can be edited regardless of the Partial Term's status. The questions on the hierarchical level can be revised anytime even if the survey is in-progress.
Questions can be added or removed only - the text of an existing question cannot be edited.
If a question is removed, the responses to that question will not be available anymore.
If a question is added while the survey is in progress, the students who submitted the survey form prior to the addition of the question will not have the opportunity to submit answers to that new question.
- Linked Course Sections (Cross-listed sections) Scorebook Improved
When viewing the scorebook of a parent section, the enrollment of the linked child courses will now also display for scoring, so there is no need to toggle between sections to score in AEFIS. This applies to both AEFIS managed LMS Assignments and AEFIS Assignments. - AEFIS Rubrics - Not Applicable Rubric Criterion Level Now Offered
Not Applicable rubric levels allow for flexibility in scoring criteria in AEFIS Assignments and AEFIS Managed LMS Assignments. For more information about this feature, click here for the comprehensive guide. - No Submission in AEFIS Assignments now available for scoring using the excel template export/import option on the section assignments page
Now "No Submission in AEFIS" type assignments can be included in the excel scoring template export/import process. This allows you to import final scores for students including rubric criteria scores, which is was not available previously when only Not Managed in AEFIS Assignments were exclusively available for the export/import. For more information about this feature, click here for the comprehensive guide. - Course Evaluation Reports - Instructor Role Type and Question Type filters now available - including Teaching Assistant
You may now further filter the Course Section Trend Analysis Report and Course Evaluation Analysis Report by the Instructor Role type and survey question type.
- Instructor Role Type filter options include:
- Question Type filter options include:
- Instructor Role Type filter options include:
- Survey Settings - Additional options available to control the release of course evaluation results so faculty
Previously, there was only a setting that set a limit on the minimum number of survey responses required to release results was available. With this improvement, there are two additional options to determine whether survey results will be released to faculty.- Set minimum responses required by count or percentage
The option to choose whether results will be released based on the % of enrolled student responses or minimum # count of student responses is now available.
Then the minimum response count or percentage may be selected based on the response type selected. - Option to exclude sections from the survey that do not meet a specific minimum enrollment count
An additional setting is now available that sets the minimum student enrollment required to include a section in a course evaluation/survey. Any section not meeting this minimum will not be included in the survey schedule.
- Set minimum responses required by count or percentage
- Strategic Plan Objective permissions
With this improvement, users with the Strategic Plan Objective Editor may only see and make changes to the objectives assigned to them within that role. They will not have edit or view access to other objectives or reporting unless assigned to them. - Assignment Linking Manager Filter Improvements
Additional filter parameters are added in this release:- Terms: Active, In Progress and Completed Terms are available to filter. Previously this filter only accessed In Progress terms.
- Colleges + Administrative Units: Previously, only Colleges were available in the filters. Now Administrative Units can be selected.
- Departments + Administrative Divisions: Previously, only Departments were available in the filters. Now Administrative Divisions are included.
- Assessments: A filter to allow you to select a specific In-Progress Program Assessment is now available.
- Assignment Specifications: You may now filter sections by the assignment options listed below:
- All Sections
- Sections with Assignments
- Sections with no Assignments
- Sections with Links
- Sections with Incorrect Links (links that were copied from previous terms that do not match assignments present in the current term)
- Sections with No Links
- Assignment Linking Manager - Remove All Links Button Added
When this button is selected, all assignment links can be removed from a selected outcome for a section in the assignment linking manager. - Assignment Linking Manager - Assignments now in alphabetical order
Previously, assignments were not in a specific order. Now they display in alphabetical order by default for easy navigation. - Assignment Linking Manager - Proficiency Scale Copy Feature Available
With this improvement the proficiency scale settings can be copied between assignment linkings/outcomes in the same section within the assignment linking manager. - Syllabus - ABET Style Syllabus Export option now available
Syllabi may now be exported in the ABET required format.
Resolved Bugs
- AEFIS-Canvas Integration - Assignment Linking Manager now displays correctly through the AEFIS Tools/LTI linkPreviously, there were display issues when following the link(s) from Canvas to AEFIS for the assignment linking page.
- Self Study Action Items - When a user is unassigned from the Self Study, related tasks will be removed from the Action Items list
Previously, the tasks associated with the self study were not removed even if the user's self study related role(s) were removed.
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