Quick Reference
Below find a quick reference list of all of the AEFIS solutions impacted by this release:
- Faculty Portfolio
- Self Study
- Course Sections - Assessment Results Page
- User Roles - Preceptor
- Surveys - Parent/Child Section Assignment
- Programs - Curriculum Mapping
- Reports - Direct Assessment Graphs
- Reports - Course Evaluation Analysis Report
Faculty Portfolio Publish Wizard Update - Faculty Promotion & Tenure Data Collections
With this improvement, three new options are added to the faculty portfolio publish wizard. Previously, only the published Portfolio could be included in Promotion, Tenure and Annual review Faculty Data collections. Now Faculty may make changes to their Portfolio while working on their stage of the data collection, prior to submitting the form and choose one of the following options:
Keep Existing Form tied to the old faculty activity version without changes
Create a new faculty activity form and migrate in already populated entries
Create a new faculty activity form and start over with no populated entries
Faculty Portfolio - Additional User Roles may Revise and Publish Faculty Portfolio
With this improvement, Institution, College and Department Admins can update the status of the faculty portfolio within that institution, college and department.
Self Study - Status Graphs on Self Study Homepage Improved
In addition to the existing counters, a new “Under Review” status counter is added. With this improvement, the content that need to be reviewed (such statuses as in review, liaison review, approver review, final review, and coordinator review) are presented in the "Under Review" counter.
- Course Sections -Improvement to Assessment Results display for Parent/Child Sections
- The Aggregated Assessment Results page now displays the number of child sectiondata present when sections are cross-listed/linked in AEFIS and the Parent section's results are being viewed by the user.
- The Aggregated Assessment Results page now displays the number of child sectiondata present when sections are cross-listed/linked in AEFIS and the Parent section's results are being viewed by the user.
- User Roles - Preceptor Role Permissions Changed in Course Sections
- With this improvement, preceptors can only see the student submission and scoring information if they are assigned as the assessor of that student on the enrollment page. Previously, preceptors could see the students and their submissions, but were not permitted to score students where they were not assigned as the assessor. This only applies to AEFIS assignments and AEFIS Managed LMS Assignments where the multiple assessor option is selected.
Resolved Bugs
- Surveys - Section Assignment of Parent when Child Section has 0 Enrollment
- When Children of a Parent course section contained 0 enrollment, users were blocked from assigning the Parent section to a survey instance. This issue is now resolved.
- Programs - Curriculum Mapping with Performance Indicators In appropError Resolved
- Previously, an error message would appear when attempting to drag and drop a second outcome to a course, that made it appear that the mapping relationship would be duplicated when it was not:
- This was specific to the act of dragging an outcome that has performance indicators tied to it directly to a course or course learning outcome. It did not interfere with dragging the performance indicators to the course individually. Now multiple outcomes where all performance indicators will be evaluated can be mapped by dragging the outcome rather than each individual performance indicator.
- Previously, an error message would appear when attempting to drag and drop a second outcome to a course, that made it appear that the mapping relationship would be duplicated when it was not:
- Reports - Direct Assessment Graphs did not Adjust Level Parameter Based on Role
- The Direct Assessment Graphs filter was not automatically changing the level parameter based on the role of the user accessing the report. Now, when Program Coordinators run this report, the report automatically changes the level to Program, regardless of the Outcome Set the report will be run on.
- The Direct Assessment Graphs filter was not automatically changing the level parameter based on the role of the user accessing the report. Now, when Program Coordinators run this report, the report automatically changes the level to Program, regardless of the Outcome Set the report will be run on.
- Reports - Course Evaluation Analysis Report does not display Course Section Column in Results
- When the aggregate level = course section was selected on the Course Evaluation Analysis Report parameters, a column with data identifying the Course Section for each result was not displaying. With this fix, the column is now available as well as that data.
- When the aggregate level = course section was selected on the Course Evaluation Analysis Report parameters, a column with data identifying the Course Section for each result was not displaying. With this fix, the column is now available as well as that data.
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