Updated: April 2023
Description: The PLO/CLO Direct Assessment Analysis report provides the user with a high-level view of whether their students are meeting the outcome assessment goals set at the Course learning outcome level aggregated by outcome in for the selected term(s) by Course or by Course Section. There are three types of results you may generate from this report:
CLO Assessment Results: Generate a report on the results of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) assessed within a Course or Course Section that are NOT mapped to a Program Learning Outcome (PLO) in a Program.
Program Assessment Results: Generate a report on the the results of Course Learning Outcomes assessed within a Course or Course Section that ARE mapped to a Program Learning Outcome in a Program.
Both: Generate a report that includes assessment results for Course Learning Outcomes which are mapped to Program Learning Outcomes in a Program AND the Course Learning Outcomes that are assessed exclusive of inclusion in a Program's curriculum map.
Applicable to: Institution Admin, College Admin, Course Designer - College, Department Admin, Department Committee, Program Coordinator, Course Coordinator, Course Section Director, Instructor
Assessment Type: Both Course Learning Outcome AND Program Learning Outcome Assessment
Running the Report - Step by Step:
- Navigate to the Main Menu and find the Analytics section of the menu
- In the menu, locate the Analytics section. Within this section, select Report Dashboard.
- Click the name of the report - PLO/CLO Direct Assessment Analysis Report - to open the report
- Next, select the parameters for the report. Remember to select your parameters starting at the top left, and moving from left to right across the screen. Note - some parameters will only display if a specific Assessment Type is selected. Assessment Type specific parameters are at the end of the list below.
- Term: You may multi-select up to 5 terms from the drop down menu to review results for a specific term.
- Level: Determine the aggregation level of your results: Institution, College, Department, Program, Course, Course Section.
- Aggregate Terms: If multiple terms are selected, you may choose to aggregate the results rather than display separately by term.
- College/Administrative Unit: To narrow the results by college/administrative unit, you may choose one or more colleges here.
- Department/Administrative Division: To narrow results by department/administrative division, you may choose one or more departments here.
Course: To search for a specific course, start by typing the subject code and then the course number and wait two beats. Then your search will suggest a course to narrow the results.
- Course Section: Multi-select related sections to narrow the results.
- Outcomes: Narrow results by specific outcome(s).
- Hide PLOs and Aggregate Results by CLOs: Show just the results of the combined CLOs that are mapped to PLOs without showing the PLO results.
- Student Degree: (Program Outcomes Only) Narrow the results by specific student degree.
- Student Minor: Narrow results by specific student minor. Note: Your student files must include minor information for this parameter to populate.
- Student Concentration: If your student files include a major concentration field, you may use this parameter to narrow the results by this field.
- Result Type: If your Program's curriculum map includes learning indicators - which must be enabled at that program - you may further disaggregate the outcomes assessment results by those learning indicators, or just view the aggregated outcome data itself alone.
- Not Assessed Data: Determine whether to display mapped outcomes where no data was collected in that term.
Assessment Type=Both Additional Parameters
- Educational Experience (Multi-select, optional)
- Student Minor (Multi-select, optional)
Assessment Type=Program Assessment Additional Parameters
- Educational Experience (Multi-select)
- Program Developmental Level (Multi-select)**only available for this Assessment Type
- Student Minor (Multi-select)
- Outcome Set: (Program related outcomes only - not available for CLO assessment) Choose which program-related outcome set you want to run the report on. This includes ILOs, PLOs and any accreditor, college or department level outcome sets.
- Once the parameters are selected, click Run Report
- (Optional) If you want to start over and add new parameters, click Reset Parameters
Reading the Report Results
In the report above, the option to view both PLO/CLO Results was selected for a section of terms., and the results display was set at the Course Section level. The aggregate terms check box was NOT selected to run this report. If the CLO Only option is selected, the Program and Program Outcome data will not display, even if it exists. The results columns are:
- Term: The term the assessment data was collected
- College/Administrative Unit: College/Administrative Unit that owns the Course
- Department/Administrative Division: Department/Division that owns the Course
- Program: If the CLO is mapped to a Program Outcome, the corresponding Program name will display here
- Course: Course information
- Outcome: If the CLO is mapped to a Program Outcome, the outcome name and description will display
- Course Outcome: The CLO that was assessed
- # Enrolled: # of student enrolled in that course in that term.
- # Assessed: Number of assessments on that outcome in the course/course section. So the number 10 displayed could mean that either 5 students were assessed on that outcome twice, or 10 students were assessed on that outcome once.
- Proficiency Scale Distribution: This is where your students fell on the Proficiency Scale in the results for this outcome. There is a small key below the graph indicating the levels of your Course Learning Outcome or Program Learning Outcome Proficiency Scale.
- Success: This indicates the percentage of students assessed who met the proficiency scale level that was set as a Goal for that Course.
- Performance Goal: This will display the performance goal set within a Program for Program Learning Outcomes when the selected parameter is PLO Outcomes Only or Both, if that result type is selected.
Below is an example of the report where the results are displayed at the Course Level, and the aggregate by terms box is checked:
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