Quick Reference
Below find a quick reference list of all of the AEFIS solutions impacted by this release:
- LMS Integrations - AEFIS Managed LMS Assignments
- NEW Report - Faculty Portfolio (Details)
- NEW Report - Practicum Details
- CLO Direct Assessment Analysis Report
- AACSB Faculty Activity Reports
- NEW User Role - Course Academic Liaison
- Direct Assessment Graphs Report
- User Accounts Report
- AEFIS Scorebook
- Programs - Curriculum Mapping
- Course Evaluations
LMS INTEGRATIONS: AEFIS Managed LMS Assignment status change improvements
- UNCONVERT: Users may now "un-convert" AEFIS Managed LMS Assignments to revert them back to LMS Assignments using a "Manage in LMS" button. This will remove the ability to edit in the scorebook, any AEFIS rubric criteria assigned, and allow for the direct linking of that LMS assignment to outcomes.
- STOP/COMPLETE/RE-OPEN: Users may now change the status of their AEFIS Managed LMS Assignments manually in the user interface even though dates are set during the conversion process.
- STOP: Selecting the red Stop button will allow the user to change the assignment status from In-Progress to Pending Grades, which allows the user to choose to start sampling the students if random sampling is enabled, and opens the scorebook for scoring. This button will overwrite the "End Date" that was selected when the assignment was converted.
- COMPLETE: Selecting the blue Complete button completes the assignment, and close the scorebook/finalize the student scores. This allows the user to override the Scoring Due Date set when the assignment was converted.
- RE-OPEN: Selecting the blue Re-Open button allows the user to reset the Due/End Date and Scoring Due Date, and allow scorers to access the scorebook to continue scoring or update student scores.
- UNCONVERT: Users may now "un-convert" AEFIS Managed LMS Assignments to revert them back to LMS Assignments using a "Manage in LMS" button. This will remove the ability to edit in the scorebook, any AEFIS rubric criteria assigned, and allow for the direct linking of that LMS assignment to outcomes.
- REPORT DASHBOARD - FACULTY PORTFOLIO REPORT: A new Faculty Portfolio Report is now Available
- With this development, a new faculty portfolio report is created to display faculty portfolio data by Categories and Fields within each area of the Faculty CV. This report only displays data from Published Faculty Portfolios.
- Input of the Report:
- Output of the Report
REPORT DASHBOARD - PRACTICUMS: NEW Practicum Details Report is Available!
With this development, a new report is created to display practicum form data.
Input of the Report:
Output of the Report:
- REPORT DASHBOARD - CLO DIRECT ASSESSMENT ANALYSIS REPORT: PLO Assessment results are now also available as an option in this report
- Users may now choose to see CLO results only, PLO Results only, or Both.
- A new "Program" column is added to the output of the report to easily identify the assessment type displayed.
- Users may now choose to see CLO results only, PLO Results only, or Both.
- The 2013 is added to the reports that are based upon the 2013 AACSB Standards year for reporting.
- With this improvement, Start and End Year can be selected separately on the AACSB Number of Publications in Reviewed Journals (2013) and AACSB Intellectual Contributions Summary Report (2013).
- “Term” parameter is available in the AACSB Instructors by Qualification Status in Support of Degree Programs Report (2013) and AACSB Instructor Sufficiency and Qualifications Summary Report (2013).
- A new role ‘Course Academic Liaison’ is available for data collection workflows. This role can not access Course Data (Assessment or Course Evaluations), but can complete Course-related Data Collection forms. This role may also access Data Collection Reporting that pertains to the Course(s) their role is assigned to.
- For the ‘Direct Assessment Graphs’ report, the export csv file column names are updated. For the columns K, M, O & Q, the correct title of "Total # of Assessments" is now available.
- For the ‘Direct Assessment Graphs’ report, the export csv file column names are updated. For the columns K, M, O & Q, the correct title of "Total # of Assessments" is now available.
Resolved Bugs
REPORT DASHBOARD - USER ACCOUNTS REPORT: Duplicate row issue resolved
- The results no longer duplicate users/rows in the report.
- AEFIS SCOREBOOK: Student artifact preview issues are resolved in AEFIS Assignments and AEFIS Managed LMS Assignments
- With this fix, the assignment preview screen for both scoring in a converted LMS & in Individual student assessment data pages at the course section is NOW displaying the full student attachments. An issue toggling between multiple student submissions was also resolved.
- Audio/Video student artifact files play as expected in the scorebook preview for the supported formats: .mp3, .mp4 & .wav.
- PROGRAMS - CURRICULUM MAPPING: When a Course is removed from Educational Experiences, the system now automatically deletes the mapping relationships that were previously saved
- When Educational Experiences (Courses or Co-curricular Activities) were deleted from a Program, the mapping relationships were saved to the database and were not deleted. This prevented users from relating the outcomes that were mapped to that Educational Experience in other areas of the program.
- COURSE EVALUATIONS: Instructor Survey Start Notifications are calculated from the correct date
- With this fix, the survey start notifications for the course instructor are now calculated from the survey start date instead of the survey end date.
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