Updated: November 2021
Description: When making changes to Courses/Co-curricular Activities, there are downstream impacts on both their Sections in the active term, and any Programs where that Course/Co-curricular is included in the Curriculum Map and Assessment, action should be taken
Applicable to: Institutional Admin, College Admin, and Department Admin
Part One: How to Revise a Course
Step 1: Log into your AEFIS Account
Step 2: Select the three horizontal lines in the top left-hand corner to open the AEFIS Main Menu
Step 3: Navigate to Educational Experiences>Courses or Co-Curricular>Co-curricular Activities
Step 4: Use either the Add a Filter or the search bar to the locate the desired course/co-curricular activity
Step 5: Select the Manage button
Step 6: Select the blue Revise button in the top right-hand corner to revert the status of the course to In Revision
Step 7: If you would like to update the following for the course, see the following Help Resource Guides
- How to Attach a Syllabus Template to a Course
- How to Add Course Learning Outcomes into AEFIS
- Course Outcome Assessment: Comprehensive Guide
Step 8: Revert related sections if any in the current term are published
Step 9: After you have made the desired revisions to the course/co-curricular, select the blue Publish button in the top right-hand corner to re-publish the course
How to Update Educational Experiences in the Associated Program with In Progress Assessments
Step 1: Open the AEFIS Main Menu
Step 2: Navigate to Program Design>Programs
Step 3: Use the +Add a Filter or the search bar to locate the desired program
Step 4: Select the Manage button
Step 5: Select the Revise button in the top right hand corner to revert the status of the program from Published to In Revision
Step 6: Select the Educational Experiences tab in the panel on the left-hand side
Step 7: Locate the newly revised course in the organized terms (categories)
Step 8: Select the Update Button in the corresponding row of the newly revised course
Step 9: A pop-up message will appear with more information about the course that needs to be updated in the program. Select Update
Note: If program mappings have been previously made to the course, then you would want to ensure that those mappings have been updated with any current changes.
Step 10: Select the blue PUBLISH button at the top right of the program
Step 11: A pop-up window will appear with more information about publishing the revised program. Toggle the "When PUBLISHING this program, also update in progress assessments..." setting on
Step 13: Click Next
Step 14: Click OK, Publish the Program
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