Updated/New Instructor Roles
Course Section Director (Previously Primary Instructor)
Ability to have more than one. Previously this role only allowed one.
View all course evaluation results for their course section, this includes all instructor multiple-choice and text/memo question types.
Instructor (Previously Secondary Instructor)
Only view course evaluations for themselves. For example, if there are 3 Instructors and the instructor multiple choice or text/memo question type is used, they only see their own not the other 2 instructors' responses.
Teaching Assistant - New!
Ability to add through the Student Information System (SIS) data files the teaching assistants for each course section or manually add them to AEFIS.
Deployed to the Production System in December 2018, this gives non-campus users access to AEFIS. This is most commonly used for Practicums or third-party assessors of student artifacts.
Instructor Survey Metric
This affects survey templates that identified instructor multiple-choice questions as part of their metric(s).
Instructors now see the metric for themselves while they view their course evaluation results.
Department admin viewing results see the aggregate of all instructors within the department.
College admin viewing results see the aggregate of all instructors within the college/school.
Past course evaluation results will automatically be updated to reflect this new logic.
Outcomes Assessment Improvements
Removal of Assessment Schedules! You will never have to schedule an assessment ever again
New Assessment Cyle added to the Program! Users after publishing their program will now be able to select which outcomes or courses they want to be assessed each term.
Instruction Guide will be available by Friday, October 11th on AEFIS Academy.
Continuous Course Section Rollover Workflow
This is a daily process that starts with the activation of the term (the first time the term data is imported to AEFIS) and continues every day a set of SIS data files is imported.
The workflow copies data from a previous term to the current term based on the matching of one or more instructors information, including:
Copying of Syllabus Data
Copying of Course Section Learning Outcomes
Copying of Course Section Question
Copying of AEFIS created Assignments
Copying of Assignment Linking
Assignment Linking recreation process if all assigned are pulled from the Learning Management System is dependent upon AEFIS receiving the new External LMS ID in the data files as well as the assignment name(s) staying the same.
Click Here to view the workflow.
Course Evaluation Analysis Report included column sorting (A-Z or Z-A).
Bug Fixes
Removed syllabus template requirement to publish a course.
Reverting course section to “Faculty Pending” or “Approval Pending” fixed.
Student Outcomes Placeholder Item will not display if outcomes are not available in the curriculum map for the course.
Course Section “copy from” assignment linking display issue resolved.
Data collection from “add comment” bug resolved.
Data collection action items resolved when assignments are updated.
The survey schedule statuses are reflected in real-time.
Helpful Tips:
If you have any more questions or concerns, don't hesitate to contact the AEFIS Client Success Team
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