Next Release: 3.45 Training Release: Monday, July 1st, 2019
New Features
Canvas Assignment Type Quizzes -- Ability to pull question data added
Users can now pull individual or groups of questions from this assignment type into AEFIS for use on the Assignment Linking page. The questions will display similar to how they would when rubric criteria are imported within an assignment.
Course-Level Assignment Linking Improved
When a user creates a Course-Level AEFIS Assignment Template, they can choose to set up an assignment linking for it as well. Then, once distributed down into the course sections, the linking will automatically populate
Assignments and Assignment Linkings coming from the course-level will not be editable once populated into the section.
A marker will display if an imported course-level assignment template contains an attached linking.
Faculty CV Form -- User Interface Improved
The formatting of this form has been improved to match updated forms in other AEFIS solutions, namely Survey and Data Collection Forms
Syllabus Form Program Outcomes List -- List will display outcome name instead of outcome code
Program Learning Outcome Codes have a character limit of 20, which could cause some of the listed outcomes to be displayed poorly. Now, the syllabus form will pull in the Program Learning Outcome Name (which has no character limit).
Assignments Not Managed in AEFIS -- Date and Doc Upload Removed
Functionally, Assignments not Managed in AEFIS are meant to be graded using an Excel Template upload. As such, Start/End/Grading Due Dates as well as a document upload is no longer necessary for creation of this assignment
AEFIS Managed Assignments -- Grading Criteria Sorting by Name
Previously, added grading criteria would be listed by Code (which is an internal AEFIS field). Now, it will be ordered in ABC format by the name field entered during creation.
Survey Results Aggregate Page -- All instructors will now be listed
Only the primary faculty would be listed if you access this survey results page previously. Now, any and all faculty of this course section will be listed in the header to improve PDF/Print Exports.
Action Items Menu -- Assessment Notifications "View All" feature fixed
When a user has more than 3 Action Items, only the top three will display and a button "View all # Action Items" will be displayed to expand all available action items. This button specifically would not show for Assessment Action Items, but has been resolved to match the functionality of all other action items from AEFIS solutions
Course Survey Assignment Audit Report -- Excluded Faculty will now be reflected properly
Despite an instructor being excluded in a survey, this report would not reflect that exclusion when run. It will now display the crossed-through instructor name in the report
College/Department Read Only User roles -- permission structure now matches non-read only roles
These two read-only roles would not display data when the minimum results have not been met nor would they display when the survey was still in progress/pending results. Permission updates have corrected it so that this role will get the same viewing access that regular College/Department Admins have.
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