Next Release: 3.41 Training Release: Monday, March 4th, 2019
Programs -- Mapping by Outcome Page User Interface Updated
Previously, the Mapping by Course Page for Program Curriculum Mapping was updated with a new user interface look and to support the new drag-and-drop functionality. The Mapping by Outcome now has the same user interface updates and can be used for Curriculum Mapping purposes should you wish to use this method.
Survey Templates -- Type-in fields are now available for Metric percentage weightings
When adding metric weighting, previously you would need to move the sliders to select a weighting value. You can now manually type in a weighting value using a separate option
Developmental Levels now displayed on Assignment Linking & Program Outcomes Pages
The Developmental Levels (Introduction, Reinforcement, and Emphasis) from the Program Curriculum Map are now displayed on the Assignment Linking for the faculty as they are choosing their assignments.
Student Submission in AEFIS Assignment Improvements
Uploaded Attachments for Student Submission Assignments can now be re-downloaded via a "Download All Attachments" button added into the Assignment
Survey Templates -- Matrix Questions are now supported by Survey Template Copying
Previously, copying a survey template with a matrix questions would duplicate each row (question). This has been resolved so that the matrix question copies over exactly as intended. Furthermore, Matrix Questions can now have their order flipped (Ascending vs. Descending order)
AEFIS Gradebook -- User Interface for Grading Assignments via criteria has been improved
Due to feedback concerning having to click through each criteria one by one on the bottom of the screen, the AEFIS Gradebook has been improved to pull up all of the rubric criteria at once for selection by pressing on a certain student's name.
Assessment Form Results Display per Student Assignment Information
When viewing the assessment results after the semester, an instructor or admin can also view the student by student data collected including their specific assignment scores, notes and attachments.
My Course Evaluations Widget -- Faculty can now see all past evaluations
When faculty would access this widget on their Home dashboard, they couldn't see results further back than two years. This has been corrected so they can view all their past results.
Data Collection -- Forms to Submit are now available even after the Term has ended
The Data Collection Forms will now continue independently of the Term End Date.
Survey Templates -- Metrics are no longer Required
Student Course Evaluations no longer require at least one metric to be added prior to publishing a Survey Template. But we still highly recommend that you add at least one metric to your survey template!
Course Section Manager -- Download PDF button has been fixed
In the top right of the Course Section Manager, the Export>>PDF would not work if filters were selected to view a certain list of course sections. This now works so that you can export regardless of filtering or not.
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