3.37 Training Release: Monday, November 5th, 2018
3.37 Production Release: DOODLE
Next Release:
3.38 Training Release: Monday, December 3rd, 2018
Program Mapping by Course Page Improvements
- New icon to show you if the mapping was "Do Not Assess"
- Ability to hover over each of the mappings when the Program is in Publish Status
Ability to Reverse Program Rubrics & Assignment Grading Criteria Rubrics
- New Settings available in the Institution, College and Department, Program Settings pages. This setting is also available in the settings page of the Program.
- Users can also reverse their assignment rubrics on the Grading Criteria page within an assignment.
Ability to Track Assessment Progress
- The Assessment Forms page allows you to track the # of Assignments Created, # of Assignments Linked to an Outcome(s), the percentage of submissions and percentage of assignments graded.
- The % of Submissions only calculates for assignments created in AEFIS that are Student Submissions.
- The percentage of assignments graded will also only calculate for assignments created in AEFIS that are either Student Submission, No Submission or Assignment Not Managed in AEFIS.
AEFIS Student Submission Assignments Email URL Fixed
- The previous URL that was presented to students for their Student Submission Assignments was not forcing them to log into AEFIS and this has been resolved to ensure students need to be prompted to log into AEFIS.
Assignment Action Items/Notification Updates
- If new students are added to a course enrollment those new students will be notified via email and an action item for the assignments they have in AEFIS.
Program Assessment Report Bugs Resolved
- Term Parameter Fixed to populate the correct terms available.
- Exported data resolved to export all data from the user interface.
Editing CLO Description Red-Bar Error
- When a user edits a CLO Description they were receiving an error that prevents them from making changes. This has been resolved and users can now edit a CLO description.
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