3.34 Training Release: Monday, August 6th, 2018
Next Release:
3.35 Training Release: Monday, September 3rd, 2018
Direct Assessment Assignment Linking Rubrics Sliders Improved
- Previously, when working with the Assignment Linking Sliders, you can only select 5x values (75%, 80%, 85%, etc.). You can now slider the rubric levels to 1x values such as 79%
Program Performance Goal Value Selection Improved
- Previously, when working with the Program Performance Goal value that can be set by slider, you can only select 5x values (75%, 80%, 85%, etc.). You can now slider the goal to a 1x value such as 79%.
Program Course Outcome Report - CSV/Excel Export options added
User Interface Improvements to Program Outcomes/Performance Indicator Designer
- Program Outcomes/Performance Indicators will be ordered by creation first, then sort order, then by code ABC ordering
- Expand/Collapse All Icon changed
- Outcome and Indicator Drag & Drop no longer automatically collapses the selected item
Instructor Text/Memo Questions will be pulled into Student Course Evaluation Analysis by Faculty Report
- Previously, the open-ended section at the bottom displayed only text/memo results data. Now, this area will also include any Instructor Text/Memo responses.
Direct Assessment Graph/Analysis Reports - Resolved Export and Value Display bugs
- Direct Assessment Graph Report Export could not be exported without an error
- Assessment Values w/in Direct Assessment Graph Report did not display correctly if no value submitted
- Direct Assessment Analysis Report - Breakdown of each mapping was duplicating in certain cases due to recent Direct Assessment Improvements
Course Schedule Report - Export PDF Issue resolved
- No content would show in the PDF export due to issue with the parameter selection
Report Multiple-selected Export Timeout issue
- When selecting multiple surveys in Report Parameters, the report generated fine but the exports would time out. This has since been resolved.
Survey Schedule Name - Consistent Display across AEFIS
- All of the following will display the Survey Schedule (Instance) name to faculty & students:
- Emails
- My Course Evaluations Dashboard widget
- Survey Form
- My Surveys Dashboard
- Action Items slide-out bar
- Course Evaluation Reports & Parameter Selection
Rubrics can be deleted from the Rubric Library
- If a Rubric Criteria is not associated with a student outcome, Direct Assessment Assignment, or Direct Assessment Assignment Template, the rubric can be deleted from the Rubric Library area using the dropdown menu next to the specific criteria.
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