3.35 Training Release: Tuesday, September 4th, 2018
Next Release:
3.36 Training Release: Monday, October 1st, 2018
Ability to add Metric weighting decimal values into Survey Templates
- Previously, when setting up your metric(s) within the Survey Template, you can only select 1x values for the weighting of each question. You can now select decimal values should you be using a number of questions not divisible into 100% (i.e. 3 questions 33.3% each)
Do Not Assess Program Mappings will still display in the Course/Course Section
- Previously if the mapping was selected for "Do Not Assess", it would not show in Associated Programs (Course) or Program Outcomes (Course Section). All mappings will now display.
Survey Template Matrix Questions - Now includes Instructor-type questions
- You can now display Instructor-type questions in a matrix format that allows a drop-down selection of the response for each faculty (see screenshot below).
Survey Schedule Include/Exclude not filtering correctly
- When choosing the include/exclude groups, you filter down College, Dept, Subject, Course. A bug was previously causing the lower levels (such as subject) to not be filtered based on the college/dept selections. The dropdown values will now correctly filter.
PDF Exports General Formatting bugs
- Sometimes the symbols would not be pulled in correctly and/or the format would be off. This has been updated to prevent incorrect PDFs from being pulled.
Course Section Manager Download PDF Error Loading Document
- Should you be attempting to export this page to a PDF, the user would run into an error due to the URL. This is now corrected to allow pulling of the filtered or unfiltered course sections
Course Section Direct Assessment Assignment Linking - Link rubrics bug
- It was discovered that should the Assignment titles be too long, the hyperlink for linking rubric criteria directly to performance indicators would go off the page and be missing. This has been corrected to allow this hyperlink to display no matter how long the assignment title goes.
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