3.36 Training Release: Tuesday, October 2nd, 2018
Next Release:
3.37 Training Release: Monday, November 5th, 2018
New Features
Added "Course Home" button in Course Section Actions dropdown menu
By finding this selection in the Actions dropdown (top right of the Course Section) you can navigate directly from the course section back to the overall Course that the section is housed within.
Added "Course Home" button in Course Section Actions dropdown menu
Previously, when setting up the Assignment Linking, you could add decimal weight values for the overall assignment, but not the Rubric criteria. You can now do so for both.
Department/College Admins and Course Coordinators can create Course Survey Questions
These users did not have permission previously to view or add Course-Specific Survey Questions. The menu item now appears in the course and the users can create as needed.
Cross-Listed Course Section Survey Results Data not exporting correctly
When accessing the Survey Results Tree and pressing the dropdown arrow on the right side to export certain values, the child cross-listed data was not generating into the export. This has been corrected so that all data will now show.
Academic Term Parameter not working correctly in Program Assessment Report
When selecting a term in the parameters, sometimes it would display "No Results Found". The correct Results data is now displayed when running the report.
College/Dept Admins (and Read Only Roles) can now see first names in Survey Results by Faculty
When accessing the Survey Results Tree and changing the view to display Survey Results by Faculty, if you were one of the above roles it would only display the faculty last names. Now, it displays the full name as expected.
Program Mapping by Course and Mapping by Outcome pages now correctly export.
A sad puppy error was displayed in the export document when you tried to export by PDF or Print. Now, the mappings display correctly in the document.
Accreditor Criteria Titles can now be updated
The edits could be completed previously, but the changes would not be saved. Users can now update them as needed.
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