3.30 Training Release: Monday, April 2nd, 2018
Next Release
3.31 Training Release: Monday, May 7th, 2018
New Features
NEW Assessment Process in AEFIS and Learning Management Systems (Canvas, Blackboard, D2L)
- Based on feedback and integration needs with Learning Management Systems, Assessments have been completely redone. Users can link assignments from the LMS, or can create the assignments within AEFIS itself. Please look out for an additional email from the AEFIS Team with the instruction guides.
- Method 1: AEFIS Gradebook & Assignments in Course Sections
- Method 2: Assignment Linking from Graded Assignments in
- Canvas/Blackboard/D2LAssignment Linking can use rubrics from LMS
- Direct Assessment Data automatically generated based on linkings
- Assignment Linking weights can be decimals
Ability to add external users to a Student Course Evaluation
- Previously, the only options for external users were the External Group Survey. Now, these students may be individually added to a Student Course Evaluation by first importing them into the Course Section Enrollment.
Ability to tie students to specific instructions for Student Course Evaluations
- Instructors or admins through the enrollment page on the course section can tie students to one or more instructors of the course. This will allow for students to only answer instructor multiple choice and instructor text/memo questions in the student course evaluations based on the instructors they were tied to.
- For example: if there are 5 instructors and 100 students, 20 students were taught by 1 instructor, then those 20 students would only see that instructors name for those two question types.
Course Section Trend Analysis Updated
- Parameter selection has been updated with new aggregate levels
- College, Department, Instructor, and Course Section
- Updated CSV and Excel exports
Course Section Trend Analysis Report - Faculty names in alphabetical order
- Whenever you would export the Course Section Trend Analysis at the instructor aggregate level, the faculty names were not ordered. Now, a rule has been implemented where these instructors will be alphabetically ordered.
Assign/Unassign course sections in surveys - Warnings updated
- Implemented a few releases ago was a warning pop-up occurring upon assigning/unassigning in Survey Course Assignments that informed whether a course section was assigned to another survey in AEFIS.
- A warning message has been updated to be less confusing and clearly state that it will not impact other surveys the course section is assigned in.
- A warning will only display from now on if the course section is assigned to the same survey type, not across different types (i.e. the warning will not occur if assigning within a Student Course Evaluation and it is also assigned in a Faculty Course Evaluation).
Metric Minimum Value Bug Fixed
- Previously, if a metric made up of combined questions was given a minimum value above 1, it would still register with that as the minimum value, therefore incorrectly calculating the combined metric value.
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