Updated: January 2021
Description: Users may create different types of assignments where students are scored directly on Rubric Criteria in their AEFIS Course Section or Co-curricular Section.
Applies to: Institution Admin, College Admin, Department Admin, Course Section Director, Instructor
Section 1: Creating the assignment
Step 1: Log into your AEFIS account
Step 2: Select the three white horizontal lines on the top left corner to open the AEFIS Main Menu
Step 3: Navigate to Educational Experiences > Courses Sections or Co-Curricular > Co-Curricular Sections
Step 4: Use the + Add filter option or the Search bar to locate the desired Course or Co-curricular Section for which you will create an assignment.
Step 5: Select the Manage button to the right of the desired Section
Step 6: Select the Assignments tab from the panel on the left
Step 7: Select the blue EDIT button on the top right corner
Step 8: Select the + Add Assignment button on the top right corner
Step 9: A pop-up window will appear where you may fill out the following information:
Assignment Name: the name of the assignment
Assignment Description: Instructions for students or assessors
Maximum Score: the highest score that students can achieve
Assignment Template Description: the description of this specific assignment
Assignment Type
Student Submission in AEFIS
This will allow the students enrolled in your course to submit artifacts directly to AEFIS for scoring. They can submit Word, PDF, Excel, Audio, and Video Files.
No Submission in AEFIS
This allows you as the instructor score the student upon observation when no student artifact will be submitted. This option is frequently used if you are viewing a student's presentation or performance. This assignment type may be scored directly in the scorebook or updated using the import/export scores by excel spreadsheet option.
Assignment not Managed in AEFIS
This option means you will not have a Start Date, Due Date or Grading Due Date for the assignment and will only be importing the assessment data into AEFIS through the CSV/Excel Template.
Assignment Dates - note these dates can be changed and altered after the creation and publishing of the assignment
Start Date
This is the date that students will first be able to access the assignment
Due Date
This is the date that student submission of artifacts is due, and when scoring may begin
Score Due Date
This is the date that scores must be completed by
Rubric Visibility
Display final score and rubric points to students with the rubric levels
Upon completion, scored students will be able to see their final score, the total points they achieved per rubric criteria, and the details of the rubric criteria
Display only the rubric levels
Upon completion, scored students will be able to see their final score and the rubric criteria level they achieved without points
Do not display the rubric levels
Upon completion, only the final score will display to scored students
Optional: Attach any relevant files or documents
Files or documents can provide more information about the assignment or can include the assignment rubrics
Step 10: Click the blue Save button
Step 11: The Assignments page will reload, and you will see your Assignment listed in a status of Draft. This status means that the assignment can be edited, updated and settings can be adjusted prior to publishing and releasing to students.
Section 2: Updating the Assignment Settings, Adding Rubric Criteria and Publishing the Assignment
Step by Step...
Step 1: On the Assignments page of your Section, click the blue circle with three dots next to your assignment
Step 2: Menu Items will unfold:
Assignment home
Click this icon to access all assignment details, including rubric criteria
Step 3: Select Details from the Assignment Home page
Step 4: On this page, you may update several Assignment Settings
Note: Remember to click SAVE under each setting!!
Assignment Name
Maximum Score
This will adjust automatically when you add assignment rubric criteria
Rubric Visibility for Students
Start, Due and End Date
Assignment Assessment
Enable Multiple Assessors
Toggle this on if there will be multiple scorers for each student
Multiple Assessor Scoring Method
Selected Instructor's Score
You may identify the student instructor in the enrollment page so only their score counts for the final score
Average Score of All Assessors
Each rubric criteria, or total score, will be averaged between all assessors for the final score
Best Score from All Assesors
The best score from each assessor will populate for each rubric criteria or the final score
Step 5: (Optional) Navigate to the Scoring Criteria menu to add Rubric Criteria to your assignment
Step 6: Select the Add Criteria button
Step 7: A pop-up window will display to +Add Rubric Criteria
You will have the option to populate a completely new Rubric Criteria or choose from the Rubric Library (select the + Add From Library button and type in a key word in the Search bar).
If you are creating a new Rubric Criteria, you will have the option to save this new criteria to the Rubric Library through toggling on the setting at the bottom of the window. This will allow you to locate this Rubric Criteria from the Rubric Library for future use.
After the applicable Rubric Criteria has been added, select the blue SAVE button
Select the blue icon with 3 vertical dots to display more editing options. Then, select the pencil icon to make changes to your rubric criteria, if needed
Step 8: If all of your settings are updated and rubric criteria are added (if applicable) you may click the blue Publish button at the top right of your assignment
Step 9: Confirm or adjust your Assignment Dates on the pop up that appears:
Published Assignment Features:
If you would like to adjust the Rubric Criteria, you may click Unpublish at the top of the Assignment
If you would like to release the assignment to students before the Start Date you set, you may click the green Start button
If all submissions are present (if applicable) you may click the Stop button to start scoring. This will prevent additional student submissions. This feature will only appear once the Start date passes or you manually push the start button.
This will release scores to students once all scoring is complete
This will allow you to revert the assignment back one step to Pending Scores
This will allow you to reopen the assignment and start over and set new Start, Due and Score Due Dates
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